The healing power of baking soda.

This solution will clean the gut out, help eliminate waste and parasites, breaks up and removes mucus witch is the number one cause of disease.

.How to make the solution: take 1/2- 1 teaspoon of baking soda to 2 tablespoons of fresh squeezed lemon juice you can dilute it with a bit of water it’s taste like a lemon seltzer minus the sugar. gargle in mouth  to freshen breath and whiten teeth them you with

when baking soda and lemons are combined the baking soda brings the natural high acidity, now it has antimicrobial effects in treating bacterial and fungal infections, drinking this three days in a row can get rid of yeast thrush if in the mouth and genitals while balancing the bodies ph, lemon water should be consumed regularly .

Numerous studies have proven the anti-cancer properties of lemon. Lemon also provides other benefits, including its strong power in treating cyst and tumors.

Lemons have the power to cure cancer, since it has been tested on all cancer types. Adding baking sodamakes it even more powerful, because baking soda brings pH to normal level.

Lemon also has potent antimicrobial effect in treating bacterial and fungal infections. It is effective in the fight against internal parasites and it regulates blood pressure. Lemon is beneficial for the nervous system as well – it is a powerful antidepressant, reducing stress and calming nerve crises.

Lemon destroys cancer cells in 12 cancer types. It prevents metastasis of cancer cells and it is 10 000 stronger than drugs like Adriamycin, chemotherapy and narcotic products.

What is more interesting is the fact that the combination of lemon extract and baking soda destroys cancer cells only, without harming healthy cells and tissues.
The experiments have shown that patients diagnosed with cancer should drink lemon juice and a teaspoon of baking soda. This treatment can not cure the disastrous side effects of chemotherapy.

The best way to be sure that lemons are organic without any chemicals used is to grow this fruit in your own garden or in a pot. Organic lemons are 100 times more efficient than lemons cultivated with chemical fertilizers and treated with chemicals.


The magical meaning of each color.