Are you ready to break those repeating cycles?
My offerings:
Divine guidance 101 sessions
Divine guidance 101 sessions
would you like the opportunity to work with me in the form of advisory and guidance where healing and evolving are the top priorities.
upon leaving each session you gain a deeper awareness of self as it pertains to your patterns, your traumas, your relationships and how to tie it all together.
you will over time find that you are the alchemist of your reality and through trial you have transformed your mind which will ultimately alter your life, bringing you closer to abundance , peace.
1on1 spiritual mentorship sessions
As per request I now offer mentorship packages for those looking for a guiding light, during each mentorship session you should expect to take away a wealth of information, confidence, clarity , peace, even feel energized.
This is a monthly service meaning for 4 weeks we will meet once a week on an arranged day and time to discuss things, check into your energy and whatever else necessary.
I break down mentorship sessions into 4 categories
stand in your power : where we primarily focus of shadow work, breaking old patters, shifting the mind and healing blockages helping you walk into the power you possess.
The root of your magic: where we focus on tapping you deeper into your magic in the since of rediscovering your gifts, abilities, dream magic, we talk rituals, divinations and more. The goal is to remove the vail hindering your inner child from embracing your magic.
The journey begins: (Beginner friendly mentorship): where I guide you through the beginner stages of your spiritual awakening and any questions, new discoveries you make. We move at your pace as this journey is yours; I will offer spiritual advice for how to navigate this new world you’ve entered.
Love yourself: This is where we learn to let go of past relationships, emotional traumas, dead weight that no longer serves us; here we address sexual traumas, blockages in our creativity, things that scare us including intimacy and sexual expression. I will guide you on honoring yourself .
we will only focus on the areas needed so that you aren’t overwhelmed or pressured, this will be clarified during your free consultation.
What else is included?
Price: $333
1 session per week.
guided meditation
intuitive card reading once a week
weekly wellness herbs and remedies (herb of the week)
custom self discovery questions to help you fine tune a structured approach.